Disrupting one traumatic moment at a time.

In Chapter 12 of "There Was Violence", I explain a self-made process in which I addressed individual moments of trauma, which I would later call the "R.E.A.D. Method".   

Note: This site, nor its owners and/or affiliates are not trained or licensed as healthcare professionals.  Please use this model only as a recommendation and consult your local, licensed mental health practitioners.

The Process

1. Reflect

Reflect on a single moment you find traumatizing.

3. Accept

Regardless of the "why" or fault, accept that this past event has happened.

2. Engage

Identify the starting and endpoint of the moment and capture every detail.

4. Disrupt

This is the process of comprehensive evaluation to gauge understanding.


In Chapter 6, Vaughn has a confrontation on a public bus with a high school student. 

1. Reflect

After innocently bumping into the H.S. kid on a crowded bus, Vaughn is told by a friend that the older boy wanted to shoot him.

3. Accept

Accept that it probably wouldn't have mattered who bumped into the guy and that the young man is probably not loved at home, which has nothing to do with Vaughn was a convenient target.

2. Engage

Analyzing the "why", it seems the older kid was petty, relying on silly street norms of "respect" and expected Vaughn to back down.

4. Disrupt

Understand this was simply an unfortunate circumstance where people with lack of happiness, tools and familial love cross our paths.

Want more? Click here to watch the author review this method on the official YouTube channel.

To download a free PDF of the R.E.A.D. Method, click here.

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